EASEL OF Sarah Finnigan
I am open to critique
Anything- any feedback would be welcomed. This is an underdrawing, almost ready to start painting...would love any kind of crit before I get started with paint (and things get harder to change)!
HI Sarah, this is an impressive drawing! One bit that does confuse me is the shadows by the group on the stairs. They are only on the flat top bit of the stairs and not the vertical sides, which makes the stairs read a bit strange.
Thanks! You’re right…some of those stair rises should have less light because they’d have less bounced light shining up on them.
Wow, Sarah you are one hell of a draftsman. As for a pre-painting critique I would agree with carlydraws. The value range of the foreground steps do seem to be a bit off. For me it feel most apparent directly below the white prisoner. His left knee feels like it is just hovering over the step, if the intention was to have his knee planted, you might need to add some additional shadowing to reinforce it.
It’s looking great! Please post an updated when you’ve started to fling some paint around. 🙂