EASEL OF Kyle Patterson
I am open to critique
*Alright, because the servers were a little wonky yesterday I have to repost my easel. I actually wrote down most of the critiques I got yesterday or already started to work on them, so there's no need to post again if you have already. Thanks, guys!*
Hey, so this is a work in progress gouche/digital hybrid painting that I'm currently working on. I imagine it as a portrait of Medusa (or A medusa in the D&D sense) where she would have to be facing away and look through a mirror or she would turn the portraitist (myself) into stone. While most of what's here is still the underpainting, I'm having some trouble resolving the color scheme and the lighting as was pointed out in previous critiques. I definitely plan on making it a very back lit painting, like a Howard Pyle or N.C. Wyeth, but I'll also draw more attention to the main figure by giving her some glittery scale highlights that draw the eye up. I think where I get tripped up in most of my paintings is prioritizing which elements should be completed with more or less detail. Anyways, any advice is much appreciated, and I'll probably post an updated version in a day or two. Thanks!
My initial thought was that I am having a some difficulty reading front and back on the figure, at least at first glance. The rounded shoulder blades read a bit like breasts, while the breast seems tacked on due to the color change. Additionally, the break from lower back to tail, is sharp, rather than flowing and feels like a lap. Watch the curve of her forearm, reaching for the tree, it strikes me as overly wavy, and I am uncertain as to where the elbow is. I’d suggest getting some better reference for an outstretched arm from the backside. I am only being so hard on the anatomy because this has so much promise. Good composition and concept, lovely colors. This could really sing!
Beautiful fairy tale quality to the tree!