EASEL OF Brian McElligott
I am open to critique
I am at a bit of a stand still with this painting and looking for any thoughts that might help me move this to a finish
I am at a bit of a stand still with this painting and looking for any thoughts that might help me move this to a finish
Hi Brian, In terms of reaching a finish, right now this looks to me like you’ve reached the same level of finish all across the picture, foreground to background. Try softening the background skies and cliffs, muting the color intensity to push it back. Also, the figures on the lower left seem less resolved than the warriors on the lower right.
Since you’ve successfully uploaded a picture, perhaps you can help me. I’ve attempted to upload my easel, but it fails. It seems to want a number, but they seem to be assigned and I don’t see a way to enter a number. All of my fields are filed in. Is there something I’m missing?
Thank you Marvin! All good suggestions. I knew someone would see something I am not seeing after staring at this for as long as I have. Back to work on it with those thoughts in mind. Thank you for taking the time for the crit!
I see you were able to upload a piece to your easel so good deal! It took me a few attempts as well.